The Thut’s from Romania probably came from the Transylvanian Saxons. They are a German-speaking minority, which settled in Transylvania (today: Romania) in the 12th century. Since the Middle Ages Transylvania belonged to Habsburg, princedom Transylvania and kingdom of Hungary. The Saxons had their own schools, regime and were economically successful.
Most of the Transylvanian Saxons emigrated after World War II and especially after the Fall of the Wall and the fallen dicatator Nicolae Ceaușescu in 1889 to Germany and some to America.
Most of the Transylvanian Thut settled in the cities and villages of Hermannstadt(Sibiu), Petersdorf (Petresti, Alba), Mühlbach (Sebes, Alba) und Michelsberg (Cisnadioara).
The Transylvanian Saxons originally came from dioceses Koln (Cologne), Trier, Luttich (today between Flandern, Wallonien, Luxembourg, Lothringen, Westerwald and Hunsruck to the Westphalia). It’s possible that the family Thut also came from this region.
Possible reasons why Transylvanian Saxons left her home might be hunger crisis and pestilence in the first half of the 12th century.
Scientific there are two theory how the settled:
1. They settled within the scope of the German «east settlement»
2. More probable they settled within the scope of the crusades. They got free land and more rights from the kingdom of hungary on the way the Jerusalem.
Certain is, that the Thut’s from Seengen had a reference to church and were distinguished. Because of the Maltese cross in their family crest, they belonged to the religious order of the Maltese. And It may be that they also joined the crusades.
I know some people who originate from the Transylvanian Thut’s. Unitl today unfortunately I could not find any provable connection to the Thut’s from Switzerland.
If you are an historian or you have some details or indication to Transylvania, Thut, Crusades etc. Please let me know! I would be very glad, to get in touch with you!